Friday, August 29, 2008

Toofers, Passy's, and Silliness

Finally, our little princess' toofers have broken through! After many cranky and painful days and nights, 3 more teeth appeared through the gum line in Ava's tiny little mouth. One more on the bottom center, and 2 center top ones. No wonder she was such a cranker puss, those teeth were hurting my baby princess! Now maybe we'll be good for awhile...

Maddox, as most of us know is obsessed with the "piderman"!! He found a spiderman stocking cap and 1 lone glove laying around in their bedroom. He comes to me, both in hand, and says, "Mom, Mom. Put on!" For the last hour and a half he has been wearing this spiderman/Michael Jackson 1 glove get-up, looking ooberly

Every now and then I go for a passy-hunt, looking for all of the randomly thrown pacifiers that have been strewn around the
house to be kicked and hidden under furniture, in couch cushions, and in any nook and cranny that can be discovered. While searching the basement, I placed sissy's passy's in a small pile on the table. After collecting, I found Ava on the floor, amidst them all, choosing just the right one to pass the time!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Sweet Boy

I have spent so much time talking about Ava's birthday and Jackson going to kindergarten, I thought it was time to share a little about how big my sweet goobley has become. He has asked about Jackson each day after we drop him off at school. "Where Dackon mommy? He chool?". Today, after dropping off my sweet big boy, the babies and I went out shopping to do some exchanges and kill some time before being back at the elementary school in 3 hours. He was such a big boy today. Staying beside the cart, not complaining while riding in the stroller, and talking up a storm. When we all go shopping together, it seems like he wants to be like brother and walk, not ride in the stroller with lil sis. Today, with all of the Little Einstein's characters accompanying us, he was on such good behavior and asking such questions, all of which I could understand!! He grew up overnight! I kept telling him over and over how proud mommy was of him and what a big boy he was to be so kind and let mommy shop. I could almost see the proud little grin in his eyes saying, "I am a big boy like my brother". I feel as if these positive affirmations and uplifting words are making such a difference in his demeanor, language, and overall behavior. All my babies are growing up! I have always said that every age is my favorite; always the most rewarding. But I am so proud of my sweet Maddox and how far he has come, turning into quite the little man.
If you are wondering, each day is getting better for me. Although I find my heart break each day a little more watching Jackson's backpack disappear behind the glass doors of the school, I am thankful to spend the time with my 2 other babies and help them grow into the wonderful little people that their brother is. I cannot say enough how much I love all my babies and how I want to freeze time and make them stay little forever; Even though I know that isn't quite possible, I am trying to soak up every minute of their sweetness and to never let them forget how much they mean to their mommy.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Why does he have to grow up???

I should've known today was going to be bad when I began crying over the Wal-mart commercial for school supplies. But today was so much harder than I thought it would be. Harder admitting that everyday from now, I will be taking my baby somewhere to let someone else teach him how to become better, smarter, kinder and all the things that I have worked hard at teaching him. He still needs me right???

Walking away from the school out to the car, Maddox yelling and wailing,"I want Jackson!! I want Jackson!!!", the big tear began to fall. Wasn't 10 minutes long enough for them to have him? Couldn't he come back home and be my baby again?? I need him!! I cannot stand it. I'm still teary eyed over the whole traumatizing experience. I'm crying right now! I'm sure I'll cry tomorrow and next Monday and Tuesday and all of the days to follow. But it has become evident that my handsome big boy now was very big and attending big school. Away from mommy...let me wail now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Princess Birthday

Princess turns 1

On 8-8-08 my precious baby girl turned 1 year old. We celebrated that morning with our traditional birthday breakfast, which is a waffle with a candle in the center. We later went to the park for a picnic lunch and some playtime. We had a beautiful August day,(88 degrees if that is possible) to enjoy by the water with nana and papa, up from Oklahoma. Mommy spent most of the rest of the afternoon and evening pinkifying the house with balloons and streamers and twirlly doo dads, making the home fit for our fairy princess on her special party day. A first for us, began at 9:00 the eve of her party. Friends had talked me into making the princess her special cake instead of buying one at the bakery. Was I crazy to take on one more thing??? If you know me, "YES!!!". I must say, it turned out beautiful, thanks to my friend, the fabulous Traci House, and oober-doober tasty, thanks the the wonderful me. Just that extra special touch for the kids on their more than special day. So a new birthday tradition has begun, making the cake...
The party was spent at our home with family and friends, celebrating our special little girl. Princess Ava received a stackful of beautiful clothes, fit for the little diva baby that she is. She now also has a princess tiara and sparkly bracelet to wear on outings, social functions, or ruling over her jester brothers at they entertain her every whim at her fairy princess castle.

Happy birthday baby princess. We all love you so much!

oh, and if you're wondering...I completed her book the day before the royal event. Just in the nick of time!!!