Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'm Famous!!!!

Most of you know I have a friend. Jess. She's awesome. She's creative. She's a writer and so much more.

She's kind of a BIG deal.

Today is my birthday. I'm 29 again.

Click here to read my birthday dedication from my sweet friend.

Love you, sweet. Thank you.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Creative Piece of ME

I know I have allot of quirky talents. Ballooning, throwing great parties, painting, and another list of random God given abilities that I have been blessed with. They just come naturally to me and I get excited about preforming them.

For the last 6 years, I've known that I have a talent for photography. I began taking pictures of my kids and others when I knew I could do better than what a professional photographer was giving me. I then began doing families, kids, seniors, and engagement photos here and there for friends and family to help them and I know now that they were helping me to gain experience to helping me foster a talent that they also saw. I love that each time I meet with someone or pick up my camera, that the BEST photo I may have ever taken or will take will be today. I love that when I am taking pictures, I feel the photo happen, knowing it's that great one. I am thankful and blessed by each and every family that allow me to share a moment in their or their child's life.

So it's been my little hobby. An outlet to allow me to be creative and to see something that is ALL me. I'm usually busy around the holiday, but WOW, has this season been off the charts. I'm sorry I couldn't post all of my work. Please forgive if you don't see your cute mugshot.

Maybe someday this will be more. For right now, it's a blessing.

Turkey Run

On November 21, we ran/ jogged/ walked in Wichita's Annual Turkey Trot. We did OK, running continuously farther than we had ever run and beating the goal that we had set. I also discovered I could sprint. Who knew?? For these reasons, I am so proud of us.

Jess, K, and I recruited the amazing BTT and her wonderful children. This alone made the Turkey Trot amazing for me. I am admittedly a HUGE BTT fan along with J. This fabulous woman spoke at my Friday morning MAPS group a year ago. The message she brought spoke deeply to my heart and was something that I greatly needed to hear. For this and another HUGE list of reasons, she is a little like a Beth Moore to me, except she's local and she gives me hugs. Both of these women speak the Lord's truth and wisdom to those of us that need to hear. Both very INCREDIBLE ladies. Love BTT to pieces and so privileged to call her friend.

So, already paid for the New Years day run. Can't back out and it's sure to be a cold one. Need to set a new goal that is attainable.