Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Day

Memorial day around our home was exhausting. We completed projects that we had started but never completed. Hauling dirt, moving rock and stone, landscaping and assembling new furniture. I think Danno was grateful to go into work on Tuesday, knowing that he would have a break from laborious back breaking jobs around the house. We did take Monday to relax a bit. Having some time with friends while watching the kiddos spray each other with enormous water gun blasters.

A few pics of our somewhat completed projects...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A tea for our princess

We have been so busy that please forgive the lack of posts. It's gonna take me awhile to catch up on all of our activities but I just could not let this one pass, even if it has been a few weeks since the royal celebration.
A good friend's daughter, princess Karis, invited Ava to her very first princess tea party. I must admit, I was more than worried about how my little diva princess would behave. The Queen Mum had excitedly told me of all the special touches she had planned; the real china, the decorated cookies and wafers, the table settings... all I pictured was sis throwing one of her royal fits as she threw the china across the room and spilled raspberry tea all over a beautiful table scape. I was soooo wrong. Ava was in heaven. Parading in the castle in her plastic heels and tiara, she handled her china carefully, stood in her chair eating cookies and wafers, sang Happy Birthday to her friend, and hunted for her princess purse and gloves. She LOVED every second of this girly princess party. I knew I had been blessed with the girly girl that I wanted, but I see piles of dress-up clothes in my future, hours of dreaming of a prince and ruling over a kingdom that is troubled, and loving every second of seeing myself in my little girl.