Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Big brother

I need to tell all about how sweet I have caught my sweet lil goobley being.
Sis was throwing one of her dramatic fits over not getting juice or a cracker or some little thing that I did not drop all to get for her. Since Jackson was at school that morning, Maddox had to step into the comforting big brother role. He chased her all over the room until he finally caught her and embraced her with loving pats on the back and words that everything was going to be alright. I got this pic just before the drama queen pushed him away saying, "no, top it!". He then began to chase her again...
When did he decide to get so big?? Usually he is my ornery little mess that I cannot resist. But this morning, he was sissy's comfort.
His speech has begun to improve by leaps and bounds and suddenly he has shown interest in being a big boy and wondering about the potty. Wondering is something, right???? Ahhh, to only have one child in diapers again... I can only dream.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sweetie's birthday

My sweetie Danno celebrated his birthday last week and I thought I'd share some of the fun. The entire day the kiddos had been so excited to give daddy all of his gifts. We made his FAVORITE cake, decorated the house with balloons, and practiced singing happy birthday and saying surprise about 1000 times. The kids were ecstatic for his arrival. Daddy called and said he would be late. I suggested meeting him at dinner so the kiddos growling stomachs would get fed as soon as possible. Once home following dinner, giggling and grins followed. Our theme for the year was "garage organization". Dan and I spent a VERY cold day following Christmas organizing and arranging the cabinets that he had received for fathers day back in June. So proud of all of our hard work, he needed a few more things to make this project complete, thus, the garage organization theme. The above picture is of the kids with the gifts that they picked out for daddy. SO fun! and below, is the complete garage before FATHEAD placement on an adjacent wall. Happy birthday baby!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Finally, Christmas pictures

Long time no Blog

I have given up on my husband ever downloading a video from Jackson's program for me. It was really cute and he did a great job. Maybe Danno will post it sometime before the 4th of July!!
To catch everyone up on our holiday happenings, it can simply be summed up as short lived sicknesses, passed to the entire family. Pink-eye, began the week before the Christmas, along with Ava's ear infection, hives and cold. Jackson then began throwing up and 2 days later got pink eye. I in turn got pink eye and a sinus infection. Maddox then started puking, then me Christmas eve, Papa Christmas day, my sister-in-law the day after Christmas, and my brother 2 days following that. Gotta share the love!!
After the company left, Dan and I felt that we needed to cleanse the house and clean -up all the gunky illness that had settled over the holiday. We took down all 7 trees, Santas, lights and snowmen the weekend following Christmas and I felt so much better sitting in an illness free, clean home.
All in all, the kids had a fun Christmas and actually "saw" their presents. After last year's opening fiasco, the kids with piles of gifts, Dan and I decided to do less. We gave each child 1 gift, and they gave each of their siblings 1 gift, along with all of the other gifts they got from nan and papa and aunts and uncles, it was more than enough. They seemed to enjoy what they got instead of throwing it aside for the next gift. I think we continue this for years to come. And it makes the shopping so much easier on mama!!