Something so funny that Jackson did last night...
Our homepage on our computer is the KSN website. Jackson runs into the family room yelling, "Mom, there is really big news right now. There is a hole in the wall and somebody is stealing!!" He then got a little distracted by something and about 10 minutes later he runs in again,"Mom, you need to come look quick about the big news. Hurry. you're gonna miss it!" I asked him where he heard about this and he said on the computer at the place where dad works. "ya know the one with all the circle colors"(NBC logo). I then go in to the office where the KSN website is pulled up. He clicks on the streaming video where there is "breaking news" of a local man stealing copper pipe through a crawl space and was then trapped inside by the home owner. After withholding my giggles and awe that my smarty pants had figured out how to watch live streaming video on the local NBC affliate's website, we talked about stealing and that it is a bad thing that we should never do. My little man has already begun to be excited and interested in the news at the mature age of 5! A future anchorman for sure.