Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Is there anything better??

There are so many things that make summertime that much better. Dips in a cool pool, no school, and endless hours playing video games and watching TV. But can anything really be better than a Flavor-ice on the front porch. Their easy no dip plastic packets you would think could be every mommy's no fuss dream. My children however, seem to find a way to make them almost as bad as a baby eating rice scattering it all over the floor. But never fails, every afternoon and into the evening, someone begs to have Flavor-Ice Popsicles to ease the heat of summer and make that 100 degree that much more bearable. Not to mention that it seems to cost a dollar for about 100 of them :)

1 comment:

Jess said...

About time you had a new post! :)

Love summer time! Definitely been nice to do "nothing" for the last few weeks.