Thursday, October 29, 2009

Jackson's #7

Yesterday you walked into the kitchen and said, "Mama, I don't wanna grow up. I wanna be a kid forever and play my video games and always live with you."
I want that too bubba. I wish I could freeze you perfectly at age 7, still in love with your mama and playing with toys. This past year, more than any other, I have felt the time passing too quickly as you grow.

This year you were brave enough to ride the school bus and try hot lunch for the first time. Big, Big deal bubba. You were so excited to tell us all about the lunch line and choosing your own foods. Your favorite is the deli sandwich and chocolate milk.

You are so friendly, my sweet. We went to the zoo this summer, in a town that was not your own. We walked in with our maps in hand, ready to explore for animals, when you spotted a young boy about your age. You confidently walked up to him, tapped him on the shoulder, and said, "Hey, we're wearing the same flip-flops. Cool!!" This is who you are. My easy going little man who can talk to anyone and play whatever as long as you have a great time.

You played T-ball, soccer and learned to swim this year. You can read, write and add and subtract. You love to color and create. A handful of a few words that are leaps and bounds from where you were a year ago. So proud of you bubby and the smart little boy that you are.

More than anything, I love that you love your family. You run to me everyday after you get off the bus and give me BIG huggers and say, "I missed you mama". You still cuddle in my lap and want me to lay with you at night to read stories and say your prayers.

I love you so much my handsome boy. You are a gift, my precious gift that I treasure. Thank you so much for blessing me.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Prayerful day

Can I tell you how much I love the man that you see here?

He is amazing. He is everything and more to me. He loves me 100% wholeheartedly, unconditionally, and without any demands. He is a wonderful father, never forgetting to tell them how much he loves them and how special they are. He is thoughtful and funny and adorable and I just can't squeeze him enough.

Work has been tough for him as it has been for so many. Yet when he leaves the office behind at the end of the day, he leaves everything there and tries never to bring the stress home to his family. This has always bothered me. I am a teller. I tell all and more and then some more. I can't keep my mouth shut and stick my foot in it frequently. So when I tell him every simple detail of my day, how many calories I burned during my workout to the funny things my girlfriend says during our daily chats I want to know ALL of his day. Everything that has happened while away from me the last 8+ hours while at work. He tells little. AHHHH!! How frustrating for a talker.

Today, something may have had the potential to stress him. Today, I did something that I didn't think I would have the time for or the patience for. Something so simple. I committed to pray for my love upon every hour of his work day. To give him peace and clarity. For help in stressful times.

Nothing happened today. Nothing stressful. Nothing chaotic. He told me he had a peace on the strike of the hour because he knew that I was lifting him and our family in prayer. I helped his day. I did something for him when I feel so helpless and stupid when it comes to his business world.

Do you pray for your spouse? Do you pray for them daily? When they don't even need it?